25th Anniversary Motion Graphics
In 2023 the Williamsport Crosscutters Minor League Baseball team, celebrated their 25th Anniversary. We were asked to create custom motion graphics for their scoreboard. The thought behind the visual design, was not just the logos. But what story is being told? It’s the years from 1999 to 2023 and the idea of transitions. So, when the years would change in the background the foreground elements used a glitch style. The movement and composition were executed to excite and hype-up any sports fan.

The vector artwork was provided along with specs. Then we re-created the logos to 3D element and then imported it into After Effects for creating the motion graphics.

Potato Caper Motion Graphics
We were asked to create motion graphics for the rebranding of Friday night home game of the Potato Capers. The history entails a peeled potato used as a trick instead of the baseball in 1987.

The artwork was provided, and we used a 2D animation style to tell the story, of a baseball or potato?
Hot Sauce Ad

Using the labels and a physical bottle, a 3D model was created and then composited in AE with live action.

Wine & Design Social Ad
Our goal was to increase customers sales on social media. First we immerse the user into the sign-up process with a simulated phone story. Then we transitioned into explaining how easy the painting class is because of all the tools and instructions provided.

3D cell phone model, composited in AE for the online sign-up. And a 2D style and stock videos of models, altered for artwork branding.